Monday 28 December 2015

Huttons Ambo Flooding 2015

After days of rain the Low Lane to Malton is closed to ordinary vehicles after the Derwent broke its banks and flooded the adjacent fields.

Water levels were high yesterday and rose another half a meter but thankfully now are subsiding.

As before in 2012 the water reached the viaduct at the bottom of Water Lane.

Once again we can be thankful that no homes have been flooded in Huttons Ambo and our thoughts go out to all those who have lost their homes and livelihoods elsewhere in our county and across the country.

You can check on the levels of the River Derwent in real time here at the Environment Agency website.

© 2015

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Report on Youth Club Meeting, November 27th

Report on Youth Club Meeting, November 27th

There were 26 children at the last youth club meeting which included a few newcomers.

We enjoyed pottery painting with Peagreen Pottery. Many of the children had chosen what they wanted to paint in the previous meeting and they got to do the fun bit with the decorating this time.

There were also other activities including a surprise visit from Father Christmas who gave out presents to the children.

The next youth club meeting will be on Friday, January 8th where Andy Clarke and Vince Castleton will come along to talk to us about hedgehog husbandry and making bird feeders and boxes for bats and birds.

The following meeting on Friday, February 5th will be a disco where I will be spinning the discs and lighting up the village hall with my lighting set.

We also want to get some ideas from you about the types of things you would like to see for children’s categories in the village show. Although this isn’t until August, the schedules will be drawn up soon so if there is something you would like to see can you let us know at the next couple of youth club meetings.

All those aged 5-17 are welcome at the youth club. Subs are £2.50 per child. Email to get on the list.

Have a very Happy Christmas and see you at the next youth club meeting in January!

Joseph Banks

© 2015

Sunday 6 December 2015

Church Services - December 2015


13th Evening Prayer by Candlelight at 430pm

20th Christmas Carol Service at 630pm
followed by a glass of wine
and seasonal treats!

25th Christmas Day Communion at 11am

© 2015

New Year Quiz Night & Supper - Saturday January 16th 2016

New Year
Saturday January 16th
From 7.00pm (first questions 7.30pm)
Huttons Ambo Village Hall
Proceeds in aid of the Village Hall

BYO Drinks and Glasses

Please book your table and food order ahead of time where possible to avoid any unnecessary food wastage
Details in January Bulletin
Order forms available from Herbies 
or email  or call 07968 981296
Please place orders by Thursday January 14th

Haggis with Neeps and Tatties (meat and veg option)
Meringue fruit and cream or Jelly and cream
£2.50 quiz entry (under 16s free)
Main courses £3.50 and Desserts £1.00

Come Along & Join Us
Everyone welcome - bring your friends

© 2015

Christmas Dinner Dance - report

November 28th Christmas Dinner Dance

45 villagers and friends enjoyed an evening of cabaret from Man Banned with special guest Jayne O'Ehley  followed by dinner of Fletchers Turkey Roast with all the trimmings, mince pies and coffee. Then it was dancing to local band Ground Level.

As you can see everyone had a terrific time and special thanks to:
  • Sarah Clark for the food
  • Steve Dunning for the bar
  • Joseph Banks for the lights
  • Charlotte Mummery for the star raffle prize
  • Man Banned and Jayne
  • Ground Level

All those who helped serve and clear up but especially to everyone who came and made it such a great night.


© 2015

Defibrillator - Thankyou

At last our public access defibrillator is installed and will be commissioned by Yorkshire Ambulance Service next week.

  Thanks to all who have donated and supported this project and to everyone who attended the training.

It sits proudly on the front external wall of the village hall and in the event of an emergency once you have called 999 (which is always the first thing to do) you will then be given the code to access the unit.

Let’s hope it is never used but it’s great to have it near us and available.

 Liz  Ellis

© 2015

Meeting Point

Another lovely social and a welcome bowl of home - made soup and paninis  plus the usual cakes and the chance for a chat and a catch up.


Thanks to Sarah Clark and Sara Swindells for all their hard work and lovely food.

Next Meeting Point will be January 30th from 12 to 2

© 2015

Thursday 3 December 2015





24th NOVEMBER 2015 

1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Richard Green and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present.  Cllrs Jessie Garnett and David Banks had sent apologies.  Ryedale District Councillor Michael Cleary attended the meeting.  No member of the public was present.

2.         Minutes of the September meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

            Additional Item
Ryedale District Councillor Michael Cleary gave a brief description of his role, primarily as a member of the Planning Committee.  Current issues include fracking, solar farms and land at Musley Bank House.  Further topics included:
·        the perceived disconnect between forward planning of infrastructure and development management
·        the low esteem in which the planning process is widely held
·        Wentworth Street car park
·        A64 and its junctions
The Chairman thanked Cllr. Cleary for an interesting and frank exchange.

3.         Matters Arising
a)  Verge Cutting
Assurance has been given that cutting will start before weed growth becomes a problem and that the footpath along the railed off section above the Hall will be included.
b)  Copper beech
Andy & Jem will carry out what work they can to raise the crown and reduce branches overhanging the road.
c) A64 junctions
Jem had discussed with Highways England.  Junction improvement is only undertaken to reduce serious accidents or improve traffic flow along the trunk road.  He had sent data relating to accidents at the junctions for Huttons Ambo and explained that their nature and number did not warrant investment.  It was agreed that his offer to undertake a further review would not be taken up.  A copy of the data is held by the Council and can be made available to residents of the Parish on request.
d)  Superfast Broadband
NYNET had confirmed that current plans for Phase III of Superfast Yorkshire will not include connecting High or Low Hutton.  LN Communications, now trading as Boundless Communications Ltd., can provide up to 30mB/s by wireless connection to most properties in the village.  Jem will contact them to offer support in promoting awareness of the service.  The Council would support the invitation made to Boundless Communications Ltd by Huttons Ambo Community Collective to come to the village and present further information on the service they might be able to provide and its cost
Some concern was expressed over the size of receiver each property would need and Jem will convey this to the company.
e)  Village website
     Photographs of Councillors along with short introductory texts have been posted.
f)   Transparency Code for Smaller Councils
It was agreed that  a new dedicated PC and printer would not be helpful but Jem will purchase an hard drive for Council use.
g)  Potholes at Barneygate Lane/A64 junction
These were filled promptly on request.

4.         New Matters
a)  Good neighbours scheme
The Council welcomed an initial meeting set up by Liz Ellis for January 13th.

b)  Highways Asset Sponsorship
There are no Highway Assets in the Parish appropriate for sponsorship.
c)  Local Transport Plan consultation
No change of consequence to the Parish was identified.  Councillors will look at the relevant NYCC website as they might see fit and inform the clerk of any comments.  Jem will respond.
d)  Joint Minerals & Waste Plan consultation
All Councillors will study the documents in more detail particularly in regard to fracking so that a considered response can be drafted.  Given that shale gas is a mineral within the definitions provided in the documents, Councillors were surprised that the proposed fracking at Kirby Misperton was not stated to be a “preferred” site, as defined in the documents.  Jem will write to NYCC.
e)  Rural Action Yorkshire membership
In light of the assistance RAY have been giving Jem will apply for membership.
f)   Kirkham Weir & Sluice engagement group
Rona Charles has agreed to represent the village once agreement has been given by her employer, the National Park that this would not create any conflict of interest.

5.         Planning
a)  Low Farm Cottage
The application for extension, conversion and renovation has been approved
b)  Musley Bank House
            The application for a new house in the grounds is to be determined by committee on December 1st with a recommendation for refusal.    The Parish Council supported the application and would be happy to see it approved.  Having reviewed all of the documents available on the public record, the Council could not see any factual or reasonable grounds whatsoever for refusal.  Jem will write to Cllr. Cleary to explain the Council’s position and ask him to support the application.
c)  The Redings
The application to extend has been approved.
d)  Land at Cherry Farm
The council regretted that the application for this prominent piece of land was for characterless industrial units but did not consider an objection to be worthwhile at this stage.  Councillors expressed concern about creeping encroachment of such industrial developments into land within the Parish.  Jem will write to RDC to this effect.

6.         Finance
a)  Budget Progress
Jem presented income/expenditure data to date and the position is satisfactory.
b)  Precept
A decision on the level of the precept will be made once a new contractor for grass cutting and village maintenance has been found and the price determined.

7.         Any Other Business
a)  Grass cutting and Village maintenance
Curlew Conservation has indicated that they can no longer carry out this work.  Andy will approach another potential contractor within the village to obtain a quote.
b)  Finger Post
The finger post at the foot of Buck Lane has been broken.  It was felt that this should be repaired rather than replaced.  Jem will contact the AONB office to enquire whether assistance is available or if they know of a suitable firm or craftsman.
c)  Ryedale Plan
Ryedale District Council is consulting on preferred sites in the Service Villages and potential option sites in the Market Towns. The consultation is running to 14 December.  Councillors will study the documents, and listen to residents, and pass any comments to Jem to prepare a response.
d)  d) Road markings at the bottom of Netherby Lane
Simon stated that these had virtually disappeared and were badly in need of renewing, particularly following a recent minor accident between two vehicles and the ensuing dispute as to who had the right of way. Jem reported that he had contacted NYCC Highways. (Councillors note that these were renewed Thursday 26th.)

8.         Date of Next meeting(s)
14th January at 7.30 and, provisionally, 9th of March 2016 at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

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